Sleeper creep and rotation is an important concern within a track system, prevention is therefore key to the performance of the track.
Sleepers are a vital part of the track structure that provide both support and fixture between the rails. Passage of vehicles can lead to sleeper creep resulting in the sleepers rotating out of square. Vibration and rail creep under forces from wheels during acceleration and braking are all potential mechanisms that can cause sleeper to rotate.
The Solution
Thermit (GB) is able to provide a range of Tops bars In order to prevent this movement of sleepers. Tops bars mounted and fit to multiple sleepers allow the sleepers to link together. Sleepers once linked allow better absorption and dispersal of forces caused by passing trains. This means sleeper shift is prevented.
Tops bar are easily mountable, irrespective of sleeper type, and do not require regular intervals between sleepers. The mounting process is simple and user friendly, allowing installation by a single box spanner. This means that Sleeper implementation is extremely flexible.
Tops bars help to contribute to the safe running of trains and helps maintain track safety over long periods.